"You don’t have to love animals to be vegan, but if you love animals, being nonvegan is not an option."
~ The Advocacy of Veganism Society
Vegan AdvocacyHere are just a few ideas on how we can help our animal friends, with creative, non-violent, vegan education:
1) Sticky Notes! Plant seeds wherever you go! Stick them where people will see them, gas station pumps, ATMs, Starbucks coffee-prep station, etc! Create your own, download templates and print yourself (instructions here), or, order some here (at cost)! Visit: Vegan Sticky Note Challenge... Examples: #VeganStickyNoteChallenge 2) Sticky Labels! Again, stick them wherever appropriate to plant seeds, including: Envelopes, restaurant receipts, etc. Create your own, download templates and print yourself (instructions here) or, order some here (at cost)! 3) Join an on-line/FB activist group! Recommended: 4) Leafleting or Tabling. Examples - The Advocacy of Veganism Society (TAVS)... Download some leaflets here: 5) Ethical Choices Program - Become an educator in this amazing program where you are trained, provided a curriculum and then bring the message to students and adults. 6) Donate/volunteer at an Farm Animal sanctuary (and, if you are able, include a sanctuary donation in your will!). Example - Animal Place... Other Sanctuaries - worldwide: 7) Join a group or go solo and speak out for the animals, in the form of direct action. Example - Direct Action Everywhere... 8) Post Tear-off Posters! Examples/Downloads:
9) Chalking! Visit: Vegan Chalk Challenge... Examples: #VeganChalkChallenge 10) Join the Save Movement (like Toronto Pig Save)! Not one in your area? Start one - they can help! 11) Rock Painting! Visit & Join: Vegans Rock The World FB group 12) Car window messaging! Examples here... 13) Bumper Stickers! Need some? Go here... 14) Create Vegan/ARs merchandise to spread the word! Donate any profits to a Farm Animal Sanctuary! Example: AbsoluteVegan on Zazzle! 15) Create a Vegan/AR Facebook page (that is in addition to but linked to your personal FB page/account) - and promote vegan materials!
16) Set your screensaver on your work computer (if applicable) to an Animal Rights/Vegan slideshow!
17) Projections for liberation! Broadcast a vegan message on a public wall for people to see! Learn how here. 18) Create a blog and/or website on veganism, animal rights, and/or activism! Example (LOVE!): Vegan Annie 19) Become a World Peace Diet Facilitator! Complete the facilitator training program, created by Dr. Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet (WPD), and become a certified WPD facilitator. This professional-level training will "equip you to effectively spread the vegan message to others." Learn how here. 20) Wrap your car and make it a vegan billboard! (see photo right)! If anyone has recommendations on where to have this done, please leave a comment! Thank you! 21) Create educational videos! Host on your YouTube channel. Examples: Bitesizevegan, The Vegan Activist, Erin Janus 22) Plan a Veg Fest (vegan) in your city! Here's a handy guide to help you get started.... Veg Fest from Start to Finish - Your Guide to Planning a Veg Fest 23) Start a vegan business! Example: v-dog - Vegan dog food! This is a great product from a remarkable vegan advocate! Here's a great article on the subject that includes 38 vegan business ideas..... 24) Add some "Truth to Advertising" (see photo right) Create some flyers and spread the truth at grocery stores (hand them out if you like, or just drop them at high visibility locations throughout store - napkin dispensers are great!). Our favorite is doing this at Whole Foods (WF) Market - because they really emphasize their "humane" animal slaughter. WF Flyers can be downloaded here. |
Some ideas:Need help? If you have a graphic design or web development need, with the specific goal of helping animals...please Contact Me. Maybe I can help in this area, or we can collaborate on a project together (volunteer basis). |